Asian Children's Favorite Stories: Folktales from China, Japan, Korea, India, The Philippines, and O

Asian Children's Favorite Stories: Folktales from China, Japan, Korea, India, The Philippines, and O
Asian Children's Favorite Stories: Folktales from China, Japan, Korea, India, The Philippines, and O
Asian Children's Favorite Stories: Folktales from China, Japan, Korea, India, The Philippines, and O
Asian Children's Favorite Stories: Folktales from China, Japan, Korea, India, The Philippines, and O

For thousands of years, children the world over have listened to popular folktales. Each country has its own set of fascinating stories, and it is especially enjoyable to discover folktales that one has not heard before. Asian Children's Favorite Stories presents seven fascinating folktales from China, Japan, India, the Philipines, Indonesia, and Thailand.

A hardcover collection of stories retold by David Conger, Liana Romulo, Joan Suyenaga, & Marian Davies Toth, with illustrations by Patrick Yee.

Stories included:
- Why Cats and Dogs Don't Get Along (Korea)
- The Clever Rabbit and Numskull (India)
- Baka the Cow and Kalabaw the Water Buffalo (The Philippines)
- The Mousedeer Becomes a Judge (Indonesia)
- The Crane's Gratitude (Japan)
- The Lucky Farmer Becomes a King (Thailand)
- Liang and His Magic Brush (China)

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